Monday, August 23, 2010

Melancholy Monday

Over the weekend I had to put my dog Daisy down and it has really put me in a melancholy mood. It is hard to believe that we had that little rascel of 15 years. Dogs are funny in the way they become part of your family. She would do anything in her power to please us and truly was my best friend.

bye old friend

In my business relationships I have also met some great people. Dick Fromm from Elite has been a friend for over 20 years. Bill McKinsey who worked for another aluminum company used to call me We had great talks about cruises and life as well as our business. Jeff Duerr is a good friend from Bufftech. We have laughed together and discussed who has the best football team between the Bills and the Browns. It has been really a stretch for quite some time.

This past week my wife and I had supper with Ted Nelson and his lovely wife Joan from Simtek Fence. Even though I have been talking on the phone with Ted for about 2 years, meeting him and having supper with him as great. (thanks for buying Ted) :-)

Life comes and goes. I am richer today because of the friends I have made both the human kind and the canine kind.

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